Friday, July 8, 2011

Visual Rhetoric

Many of us have seen the ads for subways $5 footlong. They are clearly trying to get people in their stores with this deal but I don't think this slogan was targeted at just one group of people.  literally the ad is saying that at Subway you can a get foot long sub sandwich for only five dollars.  Some people would take that literally and think it is a good deal.  Then of course the more immature youth takes a look at these commercials and and can't help but get a good laugh.  I'm sure the slogan five dollar foot long was not meant to perverted but the youth of the nation has definitely made it this way. At least the slogan did catch on and everyone knows that is came from the subway commercials and ads. There are even shirts being sold now that have the slogan on them but they are not promoting subway I assure you.

The ads and commercials that Subway released definitely got people's attention.
Oh, by the way I do not like subs or really any sandwich other than grilled cheese.

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