Wednesday, July 13, 2011

my writing process

Writing does not come that naturally to me. When I write I cannot be sitting at a desk. Sometimes I sit on the floor or my bed, but never outside because there are too many distractions.  Depending on what I am writing for or about I use music to help me think and stay relaxed.  A diet Dr. Pepper is always close by while I'm slaving away.  When a writers block comes the first thing I do is call my mom.  No, not so she can help me but just so we can gossip and I can stop thinking about writing for a while.  If that doesn't then I go to Netfilx and watch an Episode of Brothers & Sisters.  If neither of those work I just stop writing for a while and eventually something just comes to me.  I actually had about 500 words done with this paper and decided I did not really like what I had said or the picture I was using.  I started completely over.  The second time my picture was better and it was much easier to write about.  I still have a whole lot of work to do by friday but I'm getting there!

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