Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does it suck?

Republicans do not suck.  I am a republican so therefore they do not suck.
Obama sucks.  Obama has done nothing to impress me.
Harry Potter does not suck.  Harry Potter is one of the most entertaining series.
Apple product do not suck.  I own many apple product and they are been very useful.
Star Wars does not suck.  They were very ahead of their time and were awesome.
Facebook sucks.  It only sucks cause it is so addicting.
McDonalds sucks.  It might be the original fast food joint but the food is disgusting!
Clemson University does not suck.  Clemson has so much to offer and a place for everyone.
Lady Gaga does not suck.  Her music inspires people to be nothing more than themselves.
Justin Bieber does not suck.  I've been struck with Bieber Fever, he actually does have talent.
Sudoku sucks.  It is a headache and a waste of time.
Avatar does not suck.  Basically it was the best movie of 2009!
Xbox 360 sucks.  It is also time consuming and distracting.
American Idol sucks.  There have been too many seasons, the show needs to retire!
Glee does not suck.  It has comedy and music, what else could you possible need?
Cigarettes suck.  They are used to make people look cool but if cancer is cool then go right ahead.
Guns do not suck.  This is only true when in the hands of the right people. Guns are good for hunting and sometimes a sense of security.
Abortion sucks.  Abortion sucks because people are all up in everyones business. I do not care what you do but just know that it is basically murder.
Dogs that a forced to be dressed up suck.  It isn't natural!

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