Wednesday, July 20, 2011


14 whole pages of royal tour photos! the word Dazzling is made huge and bright to get the attention. Following dazing is "Will & Kate Conquer America".  The photo is a picture of Kate looking very pretty and well put together as always.   On the first page of the article a friend says "They are a great love match.  She was always by his side.  Their spontaneity is lovely".  The cover shows Kate very poised and proper and throught the article the picture shown and things they did on their visit to America was nothing less than poised and proper.  They had a-list celebrities star struck.  CEO of the inner-city arts said that they were "warm and nurturing" when they visited there.  The fourteen pages of the article are filled with pictures and compliments from people who they met on their visit.

Tauber, Michelle. "The Royal Tour." People Magazine 25 July 2011: 50-67. Web.

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