Saturday, July 9, 2011


Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures.  They are the largest reptiles in the world; reaching up to 15 feet long. They can also live up to 70 years old.  Often we portray them as nasty viscous creatures possibly due to our own fear.  American Crocodiles are more rare than you think with only around 1,000.  They use their power to survive and not to intentionally harm humans.  The cold-blooded animals are amazing because they can go days without eating because of their slow metabolism.  Todays movies and television have taken away from the real beauty of these creatures.  It is a shame that their beautiful skin is used to make bags and shoes.  These creatures need to be protected.  

Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures.  They are so only useful when it comes to making shoes and bags out of their skin!  Their short arms makes them look ridiculous.  You can't help but laugh at their silly run!  There is no real use for these animals. They are actual more trouble then their existence is worth. They are only man slaughtering machines.  Lame only describes how slow they move.  If one starts to chase you just run circles around it and I bet it will never catch you.  Maybe crocodiles would be cooler if there was a croc hunting season. 

some of my information came from
I wasn't sure if I needed to cite my blog.

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