Monday, August 8, 2011


for this to be my first online class and my first class attending Clemson University I would have to say it was a pretty good one.  It was not so hard that I thought I might die but be no means was it so easy I was sure I could get by doing nothing.  I enjoyed the blog part of it and getting to write something basically everyday.  So, overall this class was a very good learning experience in both English and the online class world!  Goodbye English 103... it has been a good Summer!

Friday, July 29, 2011

rough draft

I feel compelled to say that right now it just general ideas lacking a lot!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


You can tell what reality is because you can feel it.  Yes, you can feel the terror of a nightmare but in most cases you can't even remember what it was that scared.  You can feel reality physically and emotionally.  You feel the fur on a puppy and you also feel the companionship between the two of you.  When reading a book you can only feel the emotions portrayed and visualize what it is like but in reality when there is a scene filled with drama you feel the emotional tension and see exactly who the problem is with because you are a third person just watching/visualizing.  You can know what is real by how you can feel it.

Monday, July 25, 2011


The floors on the elevator in clemson house are organized chronologically!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

more rhetoric

Im sure we all have passed these statues in front of Mell hall! The statue is of a student and a soldier.  It is meant to represent that the boy/students during WW2 that had to quickly turn into men and go off to war.  The statues are beautiful and really do represent the shift from boy to man really well.  They were dedicated in 1993 as a gift to the university from the class of '44.

Friday, July 22, 2011

interview questions!

What form of advertising do you find most effective?
How does this form of advertising effect you?